As we talk once again about memorizing the Bible I’ll begin by letting you in on a secret: I’m not a memory freak. I have a normal memory. In fact, I suspect that some of you listening to this could blow me out of the water in a memory contest. KaBoom! Nevertheless, I do know a lot of Bible verses by memory. I’ve acquired them slowly over many years by dogged effort; like a little donkey plodding up the side of a mountain one hoof at a time. Let me share with you some tips for burying those precious verses deep in your heart.
30. Memorizing the Bible pt. 1
I’m going to tell you today about a spiritual tool with unbelievable power. Chuck Swindoll, a famous preacher once said about this tool: “I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than. . . (this practice). That’s right. No other single discipline is more useful and rewarding . . .
Read More29. Bringing your "A" game to worship
The little boy gazed upward while the preacher delivered his message. The lad’s focus wasn’t on Heaven, though – it was on the ceiling tiles. By the end of the service he knew exactly how many there were, though I doubt he had much idea what the preacher had said.
Read More28. Legalism pt. 2
In July of 2016, a sniper killed five police officers in Texas and wounded seven others. It was just an exclamation point at the end of a very negative year. Police are being killedby citizens. Citizens are being killed by police. People on both sides are incensed; pointing fingers. It’s a reminder of how difficult it can be to get a society to live under the rule of law. Human nature tends to resist and bend rules.
The same is true when it comes to God’s laws. . .
Read More27. Legalism pt. 1
Bill, from what you’ve told me, you and Susie are having a sexual relationship even though you’re not married. As a Christian, you know that goes against what the Bible teaches. It’s sin.”
“Frank, I feel fine about what I’m doing. Stop being so legalistic.”
26. Denominationalism
I liked the pastor, I really did. He was friendly, smart, and easy to talk with. But he let slip a remark that stuck in my craw. “Our denomination,” he said, “is the only one that never left the path of the early church.” He said it good-naturedly and soon went on to another topic, but he meant it. His group, in other words, is the most authentic representation of a New Testament church. So what does that make my denomination? A second-class imitation? It rankled me even more because I’ve long been a bit uncomfortable with his group.
Read More25. Is Jesus optional?
Perhaps some of you who are listening to this broadcast wonder if I’m making too big a deal out of this Jesus thing. Do people really need Jesus and the salvation He brings? “Look at my life,” you say. “I don’t claim to be a Christian, but I’m doing fine. I’m a loving father. An excellent employee. A good citizen. I try to follow the golden rule and treat others right. I’m reasonably happy. In fact, compared to some of the Christians I know, I think I’m actually doing better. My neighbor to the west goes to church every Sunday, but he fights with his wife a lot. On the other hand, my wife and I get along great. So if that religion thing works for you, that’s cool, but I’m not sure I need it.”
Read More24. Politics
I find the world of politics a confusing one. Although so many seem so sure about so much politically, that’s not the case for me. Our political environment, from where I stand, seems so badly distorted by political agendas, by adversarial thinking, and by constant spinning that it’s hard to know what’s what. It’s like taking a jog through a hall of mirrors. Nor do I trust the hyper-confident talking heads whose black and white views reflect little of the nuance and shading of real life people and situations.
Read More23. Who hates religion?
In a letter to atheist Richard Dawkins, pastor David Robertson comments:
“One final thought. You claim to be a religious non-believer. That to me is the worst of both worlds. I hate religion.
Read More22. Biblical balance
Did you ever try to do a wheelie on your bicycle? How far could you go? I was lucky to get five to ten feet. It was always a thrill, though, for the 1.5 seconds my front wheel dangled aloft –like I was levitating. Any idea what the current world record is? It’s 18 miles! 18 miles maneuvered through the city streets of Latina, Italy by Yuri Urbani. It took him 73 minutes. My 1.5 seconds doesn’t even qualify as laughable. Thanks, Yuri.
Read More21. Do not judge pt. 3
Cuz I Ain’t Got a Pencil
by Joshua Dickerson
I woke myself up
Because we ain’t got an alarm clock
Dug in the dirty clothes basket,
Brushed my hair and teeth in the dark,
Cuz the light ain’t on
Even got my baby sister ready,
Cuz my momma wasn’t home.
Got us both to school on time,
To eat us a good breakfast.
Then when I got to class the teacher fussed
Cuz I ain’t got a pencil.
20. Do not judge pt. 2
Jesus said, “Do not judge or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1). I attempted, in my previous post , to show that this verse is often misquoted. People frequently interpret it to mean that we have no right to criticize anyone else or to call their actions sinful. I argued, based on Scripture, that this isn’t what Jesus meant, that He was speaking instead about having a critical or judgmental spirit toward others. In this post I’d like to explore what that means.
Read More19. Do not judge pt. 1
“Well let me quote you a Bible verse, Bill,” George said with a glint in his eye, “Doesn’t the Bible say ‘Do not judge’? Isn’t that what you’re doing by saying that it’s wrong for me to look at porn?” His expression shouted: “Checkmate!” Bill found himself suddenly at a loss for words.
Read More18. Forgiveness pt. 2
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mahatma Ghandi
Last week we discussed the benefits of forgiveness, but I left you without addressing the “how” question – how do we learn to forgive? Forgiveness does not come easily to most of us, especially those who’ve suffered serious mistreatment and abuse.
Read More17. Forgiveness pt. 1
To forgive or not to forgive? Safeera Sarjo, in her recent internet column, shares some interesting quotes on the subject of forgiveness:
In 1999, Jeanne Safer wrote, “Contrary to the conventional wisdom, refusing to forgive or have further contact with an unrepentant, abusive relative is therapeutic.
16. Faith as trust
Writer Tim Hansel tells this story: “One day, while my son Zac and I were out in the country, climbing around in some cliffs, I heard a voice from above me yell, "Hey Dad! Catch me!" I turned around to see Zac joyfully jumping off a rock straight at me. He had jumped and then yelled "Hey Dad!" I became an instant circus act, catching him. We both fell to the ground. For a moment after I caught him I could hardly talk.
When I found my voice again I gasped in exasperation: "Zac! Can you give me one good reason why you did that???"
He responded with remarkable calmness: "Sure...because you're my Dad."
Read More15. Spiritual Gifts
I’m a sucker for superhero movies. The “Avengers” series, in particular, is one of my favorite. These guys all possess super duper extraordinary powers. Captain America has his dangerous shield, Thor his monster hammer, Iron Man his high speed iron suit, the Hulk his green madness, and the Black Widow her special weapons and crazy bad martial arts skills.
It’s all fantasy, of course, we could only wish . . . but I bring you good news today. If you’re a believer in Jesus you too have been given a super skill. It’s called your “spiritual gift”.
Read More14. Church
Last time we considered the importance of having quality time with fellow believers. This probably makes sense to many of you. But it also raises a question which I rushed by in the previous broadcast. Someone asks: “Can’t I have quality time with other believers without going to church?” and adds: “To be honest, I get more out of Christian friendships than I do out of church.”
Read More13. Fellowship
The “God and me” part of being a believer is pretty cool. He’s our super-friend and wise leader, always there, always loving us and helping us. Isn’t that enough? Why bring other believers into the picture? Fellow Christians complicate things, especially when you’re part of a local church. Now, instead of just a quiet “God-and-me”, the picture morphs into the noisier “God-and-we”.
Read More12. Obedience
Most people are attracted to the idea of having a resource like God available to help them with life. Who wouldn’t want the Creator of the universe at their beck and call? What does slow down the “me and God” thing, however, is the realization that God wants to be more than just our buddy or our backup. It turns out that God’s got this thing about being . . . in charge.
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