Scripture Songs
Scripture Songs
Short Scripture Songs
Just Thinkin'
Just Thinkin'
Practical ideas-1
Practical ideas-2
Wind in the Word
Scripture Songs
Scripture Songs
Short Scripture Songs
Just Thinkin'
Just Thinkin'
Practical ideas-1
Practical ideas-2
index of subjects
Note:”Index of subjects” covers both practical pages. The second page starts on #101.
1. How I came to trust in Jesus mp3
1. How I came to trust in Jesus (transcript)
Continuing with Christ mp3
Continuing with Christ (transcript)
Jesus mp3
Faith as belief mp3
Faith as belief (transcript)
Salvation mp3
Salvation (transcript)
Salvation pt. 2 mp3
Salvation pt. 2 (ranscript)
Staying Open to the Lord mp3
Staying open to the Lord (transcript)
Beginning Life with Jesus mp3
Beginning Life with Jesus (transcript)
The Relationship mp3
The Relationship (transcript)
Prayer mp3
Prayer (transcript)
Reading the Bible mp3
Reading the Bible (transcript)
Obedience mp3
Obedience (transcript)
13. Fellowship mp3
Fellowship (transcript)
14. The Church mp3
The Church (transcript)
Your Spiritual Gift mp3
Spiritual Gifts (transcript)
Faith as Trust mp3
Faith as Trust (transcript)
Forgiveness pt. 1 mp3
Forgiveness pt. 1 (transcript)
Forgiveness pt. 2 mp3
Forgiveness pt. 2 (transcript)
Do not Judge pt. 1 mp3
Do not judge pt. 1 (transcript)
Do not judge pt. 2 mp3
Do not judge pt. 2 (transcript)
Do not judge pt. 3 mp3
Do not judge pt. 3 (transcript)
Biblical Balance mp3
Biblical Balance (transcript)
Hating Religion mp3
Haing Religion (transcript)
Politics mp3
Politics (transcript)
Jesus Optional mp3
Jesus Optional (transcript)
Denominationalism mp3
Denominationalism (transcript)
Legalism pt. 1 mp3
Legalism pt. 1 (transcript)
Legalism pt. 2 mp3
Legalism pt. 2 (transcripts)
Bringing your A game to worship mp3
Bringing Your A game to worship (transcript)
Memorization pt. 1 mp3
Memorization pt. 1 (transcript)
Memorization pt. 2 mp3
Memorization pt. 2 (transcript)
Emotions and Christianity pt. 1 mp3
Emotions and Christianity pt. 1 (transcription)
Emotions and Christianity pt. 2 mp3
Emotions and Christianity pt. 2 (transcript)
Motives pt. 1 mp3
Motives pt. 1 (transcript)
Motives pt. 2 mp3
Motives pt. 2 (transcription)
The Pull-back Point mp3
The Pull-back Point (transcript)
Praying Hard mp3
Praying Hard (transcript)
Love with Like mp3
Love with Like (transcript)
Taking the Bible literally mp3
Taking the Bible Literally (transcript)
40 Priority Pickle pt. 1 mp3
Priority Pickle pt. 1 (transcript)
Priority Pickle pt. 2 mp3
Priority Pickle pt. 2 (transcript)
Handling Unhealthy Fear mp3
Handling unhealthy fear (transcript)
Head and heart tune-up mp3
Head and heart tune-up (transcript)
Relying on God pt. 1 mp3
Relying on God pt. 1 (transcription)
Relying on God pt. 2 mp3
Relying on God pt. 2 (transcript)
meditation on scripture pt. 1 mp3
Meditating on Scripture pt. 1 (transcript)
Mediation on Scripture pt. 2 mp3
Meditating on Scripture pt. 2 (transcription)
Analysis partnering with instinct pt. 1 mp3
Analysis partnering with instinct pt. 1 (transcript)
Analysis parterning with instinct pt. 2 mp3
Analysis partnering with instinct pt. 2 (transcript)
Leaving your church pt. 1 mp3
Leaving your church pt. 1 mp3
Leaving your church pt. 2 mp3
Chainging your church pt. 2 (transcript)
Stuck in spiritual babyland mp3
Stuck in spiritual babyland (transcript)
Spiritual milk and solid food mp3
Spiritual Milk and solid food (transcription0
eating solid spiritual food mp3
Eating solid spiritual food (transcript)
Forsaken first love pt. 1 mp3
Forsaken first love pt. 1 (transcript)
Forsaken first love pt. 2 mp3
Forsaken First love pt. 2 (transcript)
fellowship with other churches pt. 1 mp3
Fellowship with other churches pt. 1 (transcript)
fellowship with other churches pt. 2 mp3
fellowship with other churches pt. 2 (transcript)
Jesus contrasted with the Old Testament God mp3
Jesus contrasted with the Old Testament God (transcript)
The Hard God mp3
The hard God (transcript)
something better than excellence pt. 1 mp3
something better than excellence pt. 1 (transcript)
Something better than excellence pt. 2 mp3
something better than excellence pt. 2 (transcript)
theological labels mp3
theological labels (transcript)
fighting fairly in the church mp3
Fighting fairly in the church (transcript)
the challenge of systematic theology mp3
the challenge of systematic theology (transcript)
Hypocrites in the church mp3
hypocrites in the church (transcript)
I had to go to church mp3
I had to go to church (transcript)
Your God mp3
your God (transcript)
Are Christians really different from non-Christians mp3
Are Christians really different from non-Christians (transcript)
Faith as a placebo pt. 1 mp3
Faith as a placebo pt. 1 (transcript)
faith as a placebo pt. 2 mp3
Faith as a placebo pt. 2 (transcript)
tolerance mp3
Tolerance (transcript)
separation from sin pt. 1 mp3
separation from sin pt. 1 (transcript)
separation from sin pt. 2 mp3
separation from sin pt. 2 (transcript)
The meaning of acceptance mp3
The meaning of acceptance (transcript)
Is godliness worth it mp3
is godliness worth it (transcript)
The Well-dressed Christian mp3
the well-dressed Christian (transcript)
Christianity for consumers mp3
Christianity for consumers (transcript)
Are unbelievers projects mp3
Are Unbelievers projects (transcript)
Wait for it mp3
Wait for it (transcript)
All truth is God's truth mp3
All truth is God's truth (transcript)
Blank check promises mp3
Blank check promises (transcript)
the church as family mp3
the church as family (transcript)
What about those who have never heard of Jesus mp3
what about those who have never heard of Jesus (transcript)
work evangelism mp3
work evangelism (transcript)
selflessness mp3
selflessness (transcript)
knowing the Bible mp3
knowing the Bible (transcript)
an act of the will (transcript)
trusting God mp3
trusting God (transcript)
the dark country mp3
the dark country (transcript)
keeping our word mp3
keeping our word (transcript)
doctrinal certainty in post-modern times pt. 1 (transcript0
doctrinal certainty in post-modern times pt. 2 mp3
doctrinal certainty in post-modern times pt. 2 (transcripT)
DOES IT get easier mp3
does it get easier (transcript)
the reformation mp3
the reformation (transcript)
When God seems distant mp3
When God seems distant (transcript)
head knowledge vs heart change mp3
Head knowledge vs heart change (transcript)
Perseverance mp3
Perseverance (transcript)
But everyone interprets the Bible differently mp3
But everyone interprets the Bible differently (transcript)
How can I have full trust in a God who. . . mp3
How can I have full trust in a God who. . . (transcript)